Sailthru - Known issues

Check out these quick notes before you... sail through

Updated over a week ago

Before you set sail, take a jaunt through the below known issues. We wouldn't want you to run aground. β›΅

  • Editing subject lines after accepting them requires going back to the dashboard and accessing the campaign again

  • Accessing a campaign from the dashboard that was exited on the integration step requires going back to step 3 before accepting again

  • Errors are not currently handled in the UI (e.g. selecting Sailthru draft campaign that is missing settings, errors when scheduling)

  • Results table is not sorted based on the highest open rate

  • Human control is not flagged in the results table

  • Plain text email content is removed when Phrasee schedules

  • Certain special characters break scheduling (e.g. + and β€œβ€)

  • Results are retrieved multiple times

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