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Can Phrasee tell us what does and doesn't work so we can take the learnings to other parts of the business?
Can Phrasee tell us what does and doesn't work so we can take the learnings to other parts of the business?
Updated over a week ago

There's no such thing as the perfect language. We've analyzed millions of variants and can confirm there's not one element that guarantees success. It's always a combination of language features and elements that lead to success. 

A human might identify one thing that works and send it over and over again. However, the initial successful results will start to decay over time. Phrasee's AI is constantly testing and finding new strategies that best resonate with your customers to get the highest level of engagement in any one given campaign. 

That said, we do analyze your campaign results and language model(s) on an ongoing basis, and your Customer Success Manager will provide custom insights tailored to your brand and business quarterly.

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