SFMC - Canceling an experiment

What to do when you need to cancel an experiment scheduled with Phrasee's Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration

Updated over a week ago

Sometimes mistakes happen and you need to cancel a scheduled experiment. We've all been there! With Phrasee's Salesforce integration, there are a few different ways to approach canceling an experiment.

We'll go over the ways you can cancel your experiment below. The method you use will depend on what stage of deployment your experiment has made it to already.

Your experiment is scheduled and split tests have not gone out

Head back to the Phrasee App in Salesforce and find the experiment you want to unschedule. Open the experiment and you will be redirected to the schedule summary page where you can click the Cancel button. 

This will reset everything in Salesforce Marketing Cloud so you can make your changes and reschedule your experiment.

Your split test email has been sent and you want to cancel the final email.

So the splits have split and you need to cancel the final email? No prob!

In this case, do not reschedule your experiment from the Phrasee app. If you do, your splits will be resent and everyone in your test audience will end up seeing the email twice. That's neither awesome nor scientific.

Instead, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the final email in the Tracking folder under Email Studio > Tracking > Sends > My Tracking. You'll know it's the final email because the Name will be the same as your split test deployment, but the AMPscript in the subject line will be referencing the Winning Subject Line.

  2. Click on the email name.

  3. Click on Cancel Send.

When you're ready to reschedule your final deployment, you'll want to manually send the email from Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Make sure you properly suppress your split testing list from your final deployment if you choose to make a new user-initiated email.

Your split test has been sent and your final email is mid-deployment.

Generally, the only opportunity to cancel a final send already in progress is if your experiment had send throttling enabled or if you are sending to a very large list that takes awhile to deploy.

You will have to look in the Email Studio > Tracking > Sends > My Tracking to locate your send. If any emails have not been sent, the status of the email will be In Process. If your email is in this state, you can pause or cancel the send as you normally would in Marketing Cloud with the Pause Send or Cancel Send button.

If you are going to resend your email, you will need to use native Salesforce Marketing Cloud tools to determine who has already received your email so you can suppress those subscribers from your resend.

Visit the Salesforce Marketing Cloud knowledge base for more on pausing and canceling sends within the Marketing Cloud platform.

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