Cheetah - Exporting a sample import spreadsheet

Send Phrasee your sample Cheetah import spreadsheet

Updated over a week ago

Now that you've set up your API user, you're ready to pass along a sample import spreadsheet to Phrasee. This will help us ensure your Cheetah Digital integration formats your subject lines properly for import.

Start by creating a campaign in Cheetah as you normally would—no need to configure anything special on our account. Name it whatever you like. We'll only use this to export your sample file.

On the next screen, click Actions then Cells and Splits.

Click Yes.

Click Split into testing cells.

Click Import from spreadsheet.

Click Download a sample spreadsheet.

A spreadsheet called UploadCells.csv will download. Send this off to your Phrasee Customer Success Manager and await their confirmation.

And that's it! Once you hear back from your Customer Success Manager, you'll be ready to say it better with Phrasee and Cheetah.

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