MG - Creating a Phrasee experiment

How to set up a Phrasee experiment with MessageGears

Updated over a week ago

Phrasee's subject lines are pulled directly into MessageGears MVTs via an API connection. A one-time account configuration is required before you can get started with setting up an experiment. Please refer to this section first: MessageGears - Getting Started, if you have not already done this.

Setting up an experiment:

1. Create a new experiment in Phrasee to generate and approve your language variants.

2. Click on the arrow icon to open the panel on the top right of the screen and copy your Experiment ID (located under Experiment Info).

NB: If you are using a previous version of Phrasee, you can find your Experiment ID by clicking on the vertical ellipsis icon in the top right of the screen (see below image).

3. Open the MessageGears platform and paste the Phrasee Experiment ID into the MessageGears MVT setup screen. Select 'Get Subject Lines' to pull in the variants from Phrasee.

4. Continue with your MessageGears test setup.

5. Once the test has ended, your results will automatically feedback into your Phrasee account, where you can view them in the experiment.

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