LP - Choosing a winner and exporting results

Find and send your test results to Phrasee

Updated over a week ago

So, you've sent out your split test and you're ready to pick a winner? Phabulous!

Choosing a winner

First, navigate back into your campaign in Leanplum. Then, click Campaign Results.

Scroll down to the bottom of the left column and click Analyze A/B test.

In the Analytics page that opens, scroll down in the right column and click on the Unique Open Rate metric block.

Now, draw your attention to the middle of your screen. You'll see all of your variants listed there. Click on each variant to toggle them on. You'll see a blue checkmark appear when the variant is turned on in the report.

All of your variants should then appear in a bar chart just below.

Examine your results and choose your winning subject line based on the best unique open rate.

Exporting results

Before you close out of this tab, make sure your export a copy of your test results.

You can do that by clicking the download button just below the chart. Then click Download all.

Email the downloaded spreadsheet off to your Phrasee Customer Success Manager so they can enter your results in Phrasee for you.

Note: Without this data, your language model can't learn. So, it's very important to do this before you generate language for your next campaign.

Sending the winner

When you've determined which variant is the winner, simply copy that winning variant into the Final version of the campaign you made earlier during the test setup.

In the Target Audience tab, make sure you select the buckets that did not yet receive your message. You'll recall in our earlier example, we sent our test to buckets 0 through 199. So for our final deployment, we would choose buckets 200 through 999.

You're now free to finish up as you normally do and send your winning variant to your remainder.

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