FB & IG - Publishing an experiment

Let's publish some sweet social ads

Updated over a week ago

If you've made it to this level of our social circle, you must have already enabled the Phrasee Social app in your business admin Facebook account, yes? Brill!

Let's move on to publishing a social ad experiment!

Once you've created and approved language in Phrasee, click the Facebook setup button in the panel on the right.

If you're not already logged in or the app shows you logged in as someone else, make sure you select Click here to sign out and then sign in with your business admin Facebook account.

Keep in mind, the integration will retain the login of whomever last used it.

Next, select the Facebook ad account, Campaign, Ad Set and Advert you'll be using for this experiment with the dropdown menus as shown below.

Note: It is best practice to have a dedicated ad set for each individual Phrasee social ad experiment you run.

With your assets selected, you're ready to choose the Optimization type.

The Standard option uses Facebook's standard machine learning algorithm to test and settle on a winning variant based on your ad objective. This will generate all variants within one campaign and ad set.

If you choose Ad Study, Phrasee will copy and create a new campaign and create a separate ad set and ad for each language variant. Facebook will then evenly serve you audience all of the variants.

Finally, set your Data collection schedule. With Standard optimization, this will simply let Phrasee know when to listen for data. You'll still need to push the ads live in Facebook yourself. With Ad Study optimization, setting this schedule will also push the ads live in your Facebook ad account.

Click Save when you're done.

You'll see a status box appear within the Facebook integration panel that will display the progress of your experiment setup. At any point during the setup, you can click Cancel Setup and the Phrasee variants will be removed from the ad account in Facebook.

Once you see Campaign now live on Facebook highlighted, you're free to go in and publish your ads if you're using Standard optimization. If you're using Ad Study, you can simply sit back and let the learning happen.

Doesn't it feel nice to socialize like this?

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