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MoEngage - Sharing Engagement Data
MoEngage - Sharing Engagement Data

S3 Buckets ftw!

Updated over a week ago

If you already have an integration with Amazon s3 to share engagement data from MoEngage, then you can follow instructions here on how to utilise AWS replication to achieve the same result.

To make email dynamic optimization optimal (say that phive times phast) with MoEngage, it's recommended to set up click tracking. For other channels such as Push, it is mandatory.

Though Phrasee's email dynamic optimization uses code snippets to populate your language and track opens, click tracking requires a bit of extra setup.

MoEngage-Amazon s3

Phrasee leverages the MoEngage-Amazon s3 integration to collect click tracking and other engagement information from your subscribers.

If you're not familiar with this integration, you can read up on the feature in MoEngage's documentation.

The integration will work by passing along events to your phriends at Phrasee via an automated file transfer mechanism. Those events are then tied back to your language variants so that information can be used to help you say it better with real-time language optimization. Neat, huh?

There are some costs involved with this integration. So, you should connect with your MoEngage representative to discuss what additional fees an S3 connection will incur.

Let's get going!

1. Request Phrasee Amazon s3 credentials

To start, you'll need Phrasee to set up a special Amazon s3 bucket to receive your tracking events from MoEngage.

Reach out to your Phrasee Customer Success Manager to start this process. When the bucket has been created, your Customer Success Manager will provide you with your unique credentials to configure your integration.

2. Install and Configure Amazon S3 App Integration

Under App Marketplace in the sidebar on the left side of your screen, search for s3.

Click on this option and open the Integrate tab.

You want to set up an export to S3 Buckets so press + Add Integration.

Enter the Connection name, Bucket name, and Bucket region, provided by Phrasee.

Under export details, at a minimum select Email Clicked, but if you have other channels you may need to select other metrics. For Push you will need Notification Clicked Android and Notification Clicked iOS as well. For a full list check out MoEngage's documentation here.

For User properties, search for id and scroll down to select the Tracked Standard Attribute.

When you're finished, click Test Connect, and assuming no errors, press Connect to finish the set up. Phantastic!

If there are any errors please use the intercom icon in the right hand corner of this document to contact Phrasee Support.

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