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Braze - Broadcast message experiments with dynamic optimization
Braze - Email - Broadcast Dynamic Optimization - Getting Started
Braze - Email - Broadcast Dynamic Optimization - Getting Started

An overview of integrations steps for broadcast Dynamic Optimization for Braze

Updated over a week ago

The dynamic optimization integration for broadcast email works with Braze's Connect Content. With a few simple code snippets and a dedicated Currents connection, you can optimize your email content.

Written walkthrough

Create a reusable API token

The first thing you'll need to get started is a unique API token. This is a string of characters that will serve as your Braze campaign's password to access your Phrasee language.

You can create this yourself in the Phrasee platform as long as you have admin access. If you are not a Phrasee admin, please request that your admin do this for you.

What's next?

Once you've got your token in hand, follow these simple steps to get your Braze integration all configured:

  1. Set up a Current to send Phrasee email clicks.

  2. Remove PII fields from the new Current.

  3. Configure your reusable content block.

  4. Configure the code snippets for Braze and add them to your email Subject and HTML body.

  5. Test your email to ensure your variants pull in and any personalization tags you are using render properly.

  6. Deploy your email using the recommended rate-limiting settings.

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Page last reviewed: April 10, 2024

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